Speaking Skills: Confirming and Correcting

ESL Materials: Speaking Skills

Confirmation: After the listener has summarized your opinion, let them know if their summary is right or wrong.

 Complete course (.pdf)

YouTube: 08 - Confirming and Correcting

8. Confirmation

Was your partner’s summary correct?

A: I think coffee is the best.
B: So, you’re saying you like coffee? Yes → confirm

A: I think coffee is the best.
B: So, you’re saying you like tea? No → correct

Confirming:    Correcting:
Exactly.    No, I said...
Yes, that’s right.    Almost, but I said...
Yeah, pretty much.    That’s not quite right, I meant to say...

Confirm or correct your partner:

A: OPINION      In my opinion, Barcelona is fantastic.
B: SUMMARIZE      So you think Barcelona is amazing? ← question
A: CONFIRM      That’s right. ← confirm
A: OPINION      In my opinion, London is fantastic.
B: SUMMARIZE      So you think Toronto is amazing? ← question
A: CORRECT      No, I said I like London. ← correct

Practice giving opinions and summarizing with Repeating, Rephrasing and Active Listening. Try Expanding your opinions, too!

Fluency Training - "I like coffee"

  1. Repeating
  2. Quick Responses
  3. Rephrasing
  4. Expanding
  5. Active Listening
  6. Giving Opinions
  7. Summarizing
  8. Confirming and Correcting
  9. Agreeing and Disagreeing
  10. Wrap-up