Speaking Skills: Repeating

ESL Materials: Speaking Skills

Repeating: Train your mouth muscles! Don't stop speaking while you think of the next (drink). Think and speak at the same time!

 Complete course (.pdf)

YouTube: 01 - Repeating

1. Repeating

“I like coffee.”

  • Repeat quickly for 20 seconds.
  • Repeat for 20 seconds while making eye contact.
  • Repeat for 20 seconds while drawing a cup of coffee.
  • Repeat for 20 seconds while drawing a house.
  • Repeat for 20 seconds while copying your teacher’s gestures.
  • Repeat for about 10 seconds then say a different drink:

    “I like coffee, I like coffee, I like coffee, I like coffee, I like coffee, I like coffee, I like coffee, I like coffee, I like coffee, I like Coca-Cola.”

Don’t stop, don’t pause. Think while speaking.

List five drinks:

“I like coffee, I like coffee, I like coffee, I like Coca-Cola.

I like Coca-Cola, I like Coca-Cola, I like Coca-Cola, I like water.

I like water, I like water, I like water, I like water, I like milk.

I like milk, I like milk, I like milk, I like milk, I like milk, I like apple juice.

I like apple juice, I like apple juice, I like Pepsi.

Continue to practice. Try:

  1. Countries - Spain, Japan, Australia...
  2. Cities - London, Rome, Moscow...
  3. Sports - football, tennis, cycling...
  4. People - Pablo, Tom, Keiko, Sanjay...
  5. Shops and restaurants - McDonald’s, Tower Records, Uniqlo...

Fluency Training - "I like coffee"

  1. Repeating
  2. Quick Responses
  3. Rephrasing
  4. Expanding
  5. Active Listening
  6. Giving Opinions
  7. Summarizing
  8. Confirming and Correcting
  9. Agreeing and Disagreeing
  10. Wrap-up