Extreme travel: Risks, rewards, and insurance solutions

Nick's ESL News Lessons

A printable worksheet for news-based English conversation classes.

Date: 2023/07/08

Difficulty: Upper Intermediate B2

PDF: Extreme travel: Risks, rewards, and insurance solutions

Vocabulary Match

infested •• creative
inherent •• carry
innovative •• lessened
bear •• be ready for
be poised for •• natural
mitigated •• overrun

Vocabulary Answers

be poised forbe ready for


Extreme travel, including trips to the South Pole, remote mountaintops, shark-infested waters, and space, is increasingly popular despite inherent risks, as highlighted by the recent deaths of five people exploring the Titanic shipwreck.

The global adventure tourism industry is projected to generate over $1 trillion in revenue by 2030, which will also increase search and rescue missions. Businesses are emerging to address these risks, offering rescue services, medical evacuation, and innovative insurance policies for adventurous travels. Traditional travel insurance does not typically cover rescue services, a gap that companies like Global Rescue, Medjet, AirMed International, and SkyMed aim to fill.

With space tourism on the rise, insurers such as Lloyd's of London and Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance are entering the space travel insurance market. However, taxpayers often bear the costs of rescues, as the expense typically falls on state and local agencies. The future of extreme travel insurance is poised for expansion, although risks remain that cannot yet be fully mitigated.


  1. What services do companies like Global Rescue, Medjet, AirMed International, and SkyMed offer?
  2. Which insurers are entering the space travel insurance market?

Quiz Answers (examples)

  1. They offer rescue services, medical evacuation, and innovative insurance policies.
  2. Lloyd's of London and Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance.


A:I hate how insurance companies profit from stoking fear.
B:Like selling extra health insurance for "what-ifs"?
A:Right! Life's risky but we can't insure everything.
B:True, but what about risky ventures like the Titan sub?
A:I suppose. Some may exploit them for profit, though.
B:Oh god, yeah, imagine tours to see the Titan wreckage. Crazy, right?


  1. What's the most adventurous trip you've ever taken?
  2. Would you consider going on an extreme travel adventure? Why or why not?
  3. Have you ever had an experience where you had to be rescued or helped?
  4. Would you try to stop a family member from of going on a risky adventure?

Source Material
