Students invent virtual kissing machine for long-distance lovers

Nick's ESL News Lessons

A printable worksheet for news-based English conversation classes.

Date: 2023/02/28

Difficulty: Intermediate B1

PDF: Students invent virtual kissing machine for long-distance lovers
YouTube: Students invent virtual kissing machine for long-distance lovers

Vocabulary Match

to mimic •• to copy
criticism •• idea
inspiration •• funny
anonymously •• negative feedback
humorous •• secretly

Vocabulary Answers

to mimicto copy
criticismnegative feedback


A group of university students in China has developed a remote kissing device to help people in long-distance relationships.

The 3D silicone gadget is mouth-shaped and mimics the movement, temperature, and pressure of a kiss using sensors. The device connects to phones via Bluetooth and an application.

According to reports, the device has been met with mixed reactions, with some calling it "weird" and others finding it humorous.

The lead inventor of the device said the inspiration came from being in a long-distance relationship and only communicating with his girlfriend over the phone.

The app also includes a function for users to anonymously pair up with strangers in the "kissing square" and upload their kisses for others to experience.


  1. How does the device mimic a kiss?
  2. What extra function does the app have for users?

Quiz Answers (examples)

  1. It mimics the movement, temperature and pressure of a kiss using sensors.
  2. It includes a function for users to anonymously pair up with strangers.


Boyfriend:Hey babe, did you get the package I sent you?
Girlfriend:Yeah, I got it. What is this weird looking thing?
Boyfriend:Oh, it's a remote controller for kissing! Come on, let's give it a go!
Girlfriend:Huh? You expect me to kiss these plastic, robot lips?
Boyfriend:It'll be fun! And, well, you know, we don't get to see each other very often.
Girlfriend:Hmm… If you wanted to get romantic, you should have sent me some flowers!


  1. What do you think of the kissing device? Would you use it?
  2. What are some other devices that help people connect over long distances?
  3. With new technology, doctors can perform operations from the other side of the world. What other things could people remotely control in the future? Vacuum cleaners? Cars?

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