The man who didn't eat for 382 days

ESL Lessons: True Stories

A printable worksheet for story-based English conversation classes.

Difficulty: Intermediate B1

PDF: The man who didn't eat for 382 days


How long can you go without food? (Oh... maybe 6 hours.)

Vocabulary Match

achieved •• not eat
weight •• heaviness
vitamins •• taking in
fast •• nutrients
consuming •• reached a goal
maintained •• kept the same

Vocabulary Answers

achievedreached a goal
fastnot eat
consumingtaking in
maintainedkept the same

True Story

Listen and fill in the blanks with words from above.

In 1965, Scottish man Angus Barbieri was 27 and weighed 456 pounds (207 kg) when he chose to ________ to lose ________. He went 382 days without any food, ________ only black tea, coffee, and sparkling water. His body began using its stored fat for energy.

Tired of being overweight, Angus visited doctors who agreed to watch over him, providing ________ and regular health checks. After his lengthy fast, Angus finally ________ his goal weight of 180 pounds (82 kg). His first meal was a boiled egg with bread and butter, which he really enjoyed.

Amazingly, five years later, he ________ a healthy weight, only gaining a bit to reach 196 pounds (89 kg). However, such extreme fasting is not recommended for everyone and can lead to health problems. Always talk to a doctor before making big changes to your diet.

In 1965, Scottish man Angus Barbieri was 27 and weighed 456 pounds (207 kg) when he chose to fast to lose weight. He went 382 days without any food, consuming only black tea, coffee, and sparkling water. His body began using its stored fat for energy.

Tired of being overweight, Angus visited doctors who agreed to watch over him, providing vitamins and regular health checks. After his lengthy fast, Angus finally achieved his goal weight of 180 pounds (82 kg). His first meal was a boiled egg with bread and butter, which he really enjoyed.

Amazingly, five years later, he maintained a healthy weight, only gaining a bit to reach 196 pounds (89 kg). However, such extreme fasting is not recommended for everyone and can lead to health problems. Always talk to a doctor before making big changes to your diet.


  1. What did Angus consume during his fast?
  2. What was Angus' goal weight?
  3. What was Angus' first meal after fasting?

Quiz Answers (examples)

  1. He consumed black tea, coffee, and sparkling water.
  2. His goal weight was 180 pounds (82 kg).
  3. His first meal after fasting was a boiled egg with bread and butter.

True or False

  1. Angus maintained a healthy weight after his fast. T F
  2. Angus' first meal after fasting was steak and potatoes. T F
  3. Angus' doctors did not provide him with any vitamins during his fast. T F

True or False Answers

  1. True
  2. False
  3. False


A:Congratulations, Angus! You did it, a whole year!
B:Thanks, it was tough... So, what's for dinner?
A:Whatever you want. You deserve it.
B:Really? Thanks, well, I'll just have a boiled egg then.
A:Uh... okay! I'll make you some bread, too.
B:Just a sec, I need the loo. I haven't been in six weeks!


  1. What do you think of Angus' achievement?
  2. Would you ever consider fasting to lose weight?
  3. Have you ever tried any extreme diets?
  4. What is your favorite healthy meal?

Further Reading