Spanish sportswoman stays alone in cave for 500 days

Nick's ESL News Lessons

A printable worksheet for news-based English conversation classes.

Date: 2023/04/14

Difficulty: Beginner A1

PDF: Spanish sportswoman stays alone in cave for 500 days
YouTube: Spanish sportswoman stays alone in cave for 500 days

Vocabulary Match

athlete •• city in Spain
cave •• make with yarn
knitting •• best
record •• rock shelter
230 feet •• 70 meters
Granada •• sports person

Vocabulary Answers

athletesports person
caverock shelter
knittingmake with yarn
230 feet70 meters
Granadacity in Spain


A Spanish athlete named Beatriz Flamini stayed alone in a cave in Granada for 500 days. She was 230 feet under the ground. She is 50 years old and went into the cave on November 21, 2021. She wanted to learn how being alone changes people's minds and bodies.

Scientists from three universities watched her from far away. After two months, she lost track of how many days she was there. She thought it was 160-170 days, but it was 500 days.

She did many things underground like reading, writing, drawing, exercising, and knitting. She said there were good and bad times. She learned a lot about herself. Beatriz's helpers said she read 60 books while in the cave. There were two cameras that recorded her time there for a movie.

People think her time underground is a new world record for being alone in a cave.


  1. What did Beatriz want to learn by staying in the cave?
  2. What did Beatriz do underground?

Quiz Answers (examples)

  1. Beatriz wanted to learn how being alone changes people's minds and bodies.
  2. Beatriz did many things underground like reading, writing, drawing, exercising, and knitting.


A:Hey, want to beat Beatriz? Stay in a cave for 501 days!
B:Haha, no way! I can't live without pizza that long!
A:But think of all the books you could read!
B:Maybe, but I like sunlight too much!
A:You could become famous like Beatriz!
B:I'll pass, I like being outside and talking to people!


  1. Would you like to stay in a cave for 500 days? Why or why not?
  2. Have you ever been alone for a long time? What did you do?
  3. Do you think you could read 60 books in 500 days?
  4. Do you like outdoor activities? What outdoor activities have you tried?

Source Material