Creating more livable cities with the 15-minute neighborhood concept

Nick's ESL News Lessons

A printable worksheet for news-based English conversation classes.

Date: 2023/02/27

Difficulty: Upper intermediate B2

PDF: Creating more livable cities with the 15-minute neighborhood concept
YouTube: Creating more livable cities with the 15-minute neighborhood concept

Vocabulary Match

concept -   - focus
sustainable -   - projects
prioritize -   - idea
pedestrianizing -   - traffic jams
initiatives -   - eco-friendly
congestion -   - walkable


Cities around the world are adopting the concept of "15-minute cities", where people can access all their daily needs within a 15-minute walk, bike ride or public transport trip from their homes. This includes shops, schools, workplaces, parks, and other services.

The aim is to create more livable and sustainable communities that reduce the need for long commutes and promote physical activity. The idea has gained popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic as people reevaluate their lifestyles and prioritize their local communities.

However, some people are opposed to 15-minute cities because they believe that it may increase congestion, lead to a loss of privacy and limit personal freedom.

Paris, Barcelona, Melbourne and Oxford are among the cities implementing the concept, with initiatives such as pedestrianizing streets, building bike lanes, and creating public spaces.


  1. What is the aim of '15-minute cities'?
  2. Why are some people opposed to 15-minute cities?


A: Hey, have you heard about these 15-minute cities?
B: Yeah, I have. It's all about living, working and playing within a 15-minute radius, right?
A: Exactly. But I heard some people are worried about their privacy.
B: Privacy? What are they doing in their 15-minute radius, robbing banks?
A: (laughs) I don't know, maybe they just don't want their neighbors knowing all their business.
B: Well, they could always move to a 30-minute city and have double the privacy!


  1. Would you like to live in a 15-minute city? Why or why not?
  2. What do you think about the idea of paying a toll to cross into another 15-minute zone?
  3. How has COVID-19 changed the way you think about where you live and work?
  4. If you could move house, anywhere in your country, where would you like to move to? Why?

Vocabulary Answers

concept → idea
sustainable → eco-friendly
prioritize → focus
pedestrianizing → walkable
initiatives → projects
congestion → traffic

Quiz Answers (examples)

  1. The aim is to create more livable and sustainable communities that reduce the need for long commutes and promote physical activity.
  2. Because they believe that it may increase congestion, lead to a loss of privacy and limit personal freedom.

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